Wide and light room with terrace and garden view.
Wide bathroom, hair drier, TV and Wifi.
Ensuite Bathroom Yes
Breakfast Included Yes
Maximum Guests 3
Single Occupancy € 35,00 per night *
Double Occupancy € 65,00 per night *
Extra Bed € 15,00 per night *
* prices may vary during the year


Wide and light room with terrace. Tv, air condition, wifi.
Wide bathroom, hair drier.
Ensuite Bathroom Yes
Breakfast Included Yes
Maximum Guests 4
Single Occupancy € 35,00 per night *
Double Occupancy € 65,00 per night *
Extra Bed € 15,00 per night *
* prices may vary during the year


Bright room with private bathroom, hair drier. Wifi
Ensuite Bathroom Yes
Breakfast Included Yes
Maximum Guests 2
Single Occupancy € 35,00 per night *
Double Occupancy € 60,00 per night *
* prices may vary during the year

All the rooms contain an ensuite bathroom and are equipped with linen, towels and hair-drier.

Breakfast included.

Childrens up to 3 years will be our guest for free.
For a longer period of stay we can agree a convinient price.

If you stay more than one week we will change the linen weekly.
You can always request further linen change for 7,00 euro.

Payment requested.

In order to verify the availability of the rooms and to reserve, call the following numbers:

Tel. e Fax +39 0424 220 258
Mobile +39 328 865 1034

or send an e-mail to: